Golf Tips: Puchip (Putt and Chip)
Played golf with a fellow men's league buddy a while back who had a pretty solid game, until we got to the greens. This player chose to use his lob wedge on every shot around the green, even shots where he could have used a putter from the fringe or just a few feet off of the green. His short game distance control was not good and he had a hard time making contact, especially on the shortly cut grass of the fringe and fairway cut short of the green.
I asked him why he always chose his 60 degree wedge for those shots and his answer was baffling, "I always have."
Puchip (putt + chip)
I was determined to help this guy, because he could putt fairly well. If I could get him to use his putting stroke around the greens, he could make up a lot of shots. I grabbed his 7-iron and handed it to him, while taking away the lob wedge. I had him place a few balls on the fringe and a few feet off the green in the shorter cut grass. I told him to pretend his 7-iron was his putter, and just put his putting grip and stroke on the shot.
The results were fantastic. Within a few shots, he had the feel for the distance and the stroke. He was carrying the ball just onto the green and then the ball was rolling smooth, just like a putt.
A few weeks later I played a round of golf with this buddy and he was using the "puchip" all over the place. He had new confidence around the greens and was very happy.
There was a Tuesday Tip where I suggested to take shots lower whenever possible in the short game, and this situation is similar but takes the concept even farther. The putting stroke kept this player from using his wrists to manipulate the chip, thus eliminating skulls and chili-dips. The putting stroke is so much more simple too, which helps prevent "bad" things from happening when chipping!
Try it!