"Keep your head down!" "Keep your eye on the ball!" "Keep your head behind the ball."We've all heard these swing tips which are supposed to help us make better contact. For most golfers it is true that contact will be better if they keep their head down and eye on the ball at impact. Too many amateurs however, exaggerate this and keep their head down too long. Doing so can produce seriously off line shots, hooks and loss of distance. So how does one know when it is okay to lift the head up? Ask your right shoulder the question! When the right shoulder comes through the impact area it will come in contact with your chin if your head is still down. At the point which the shoulder touches the chin is the time to let the head proceed to rotate naturally toward the target.
Golf Tips: When to Lift Your Head
The following tip does not apply to those whose are of the David Duval and Annika Sorenstam school of golf swings, where the head travels with the club face through impact.
Right shoulder tells your head when to come up