Golf Games: Three Putt Pot
While lamenting over the three putts of the last round in the cafe at the local course yesterday, a buddy told me of a fun game to play which could help with the three putt problem.
Three Putt Pot
The Three Putt Pot game/bet can be between two or more players. A predetermined bet amount like $1, $5, a nickel etc., is set at the beginning of the round. All players or a scorekeeper must keep track of all of their putts.
For every three putt a player has, he puts the predetermined bet amount into the pot. So for me yesterday with three three putts and a $1 bet, I would have put $3 into the pot.
At the end of the round the player with the fewest putts collects the pot. In the event of a tie, the players who tie can split the pot or there can be tiebreakers, like fewest three putts.
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A similar golf game which is based on three putts is the Snake game.