Golf Tips: Immovable Obstruction
This past weekend during the finale of the FedEx Cup, several players throughout the day hit balls into the grandstands on the par-3 18th hole. Lets talk today about what happens when our ball comes to rest in or near an "immovable obstruction."
An immovable obstruction can be any of a number of artificial items like a sprinkler head, drain, building, ball washer, cart path, sign, fence, bridge.
A player is allowed relief without penalty from an immovable obstruction if the obstruction interferes with one of the following:
1. The lie.
2. Area of intended stance.
3. Area of intended swing.
Taking Relief
So we have determined that a free drop from the obstruction is warranted. What now?
1. Determine nearest point of relief, no closer to the hole.
2. Drop ball within one club length. The ball may be cleaned prior to the drop.
On The Green
Step #2 above in taking relief is different when the ball is on the putting green. If the ball lies on the green and the player is standing on a sprinkler head, the player would determine the nearest point of relief no nearer the hole and must place his ball there.
No Relief
No free relief is given if the player must take an abnormal stance or use an abnormal swing to bring the obstruction into play.
If the ball is in a hazard, the player may not take free relief from an obstruction.
Rules Of Golf
For more information, refer to USGA Rule 24-1, 24-2 and 24-3.