Golf Tips: How to cure those mid-season woes.
Well the Fourth of July has come and gone, and the chances are you played some golf. We hope you played well, but if it wasn’t quite what you were expecting, this article is for you. Often as the golf season progresses, new swing thoughts, injuries, and frustrations arise and throw us off our games. This article focuses on a few things golfers of all skill levels can utilize to get back on track.
One of the biggest things that golfers lose control over as the season progresses is tempo. Maybe you’ve been playing well this season and you can easily go out and par the first three or four holes at your home course. Then you get excited, and on the fifth tee you screw up because you rush your swing thinking that there’s no way anything can go wrong. Our advice for times like this is to remember your tempo. Throughout the entire round, just keep reminding yourself about tempo. Your swing has been getting better all season, so the shots are in the bag as long as you don’t rush.
Days at the range are fun, but the most important facet of your game to keep sharp throughout the summer is putting. Get yourself a world class putting training aid to keep your stroke ready throughout the whole season. The nice thing about the Arc Angel is that you don’t have to go to the practice green to lock in your swing. Set it up at home and take 10 – 20 swings a day using it. This will ensure that you don’t lose sight of your short game. The last thing you want is to be the person that can hit all the greens but not make a putt.
Don’t underestimate this factor before your round. It’s mid-season, so the excitement has worn off a little and chances are you aren’t taking quite as good care of your clubs as the beginning of the year. Make sure you have a golf brush that demolishes dirt from your grooves so that you can hit every shot with a clean club face. This cannot be overstated, If you let dirt build up in your grooves, you will not play as well. Make sure to take care of your gear and your gear will take care of you.
As the season progresses, there are little nagging injuries that will arise and can affect how you play. Make sure to take a day off here and there to heal up and recuperate. Remember, it’s a long season and it’s far from over. Also, as the hot weather approaches, muscles will loosen up and the ball will fly farther. Don’t try to over-swing and hurt yourself. Remember that it’s mechanics that make the ball go far, not brute strength. If you’re struggling with over-swinging, try this training aid to help your grip strength throughout the shot.
We hope these tidbits of advice have helped anyone dealing with some mid-season golf woes. If you have any secrets that you use to stay sharp all season long, don’t hesitate to comment below or reach out to us on social media @froggergolf. We’d love to hear from you! Thanks for reading and happy golfing!