Golf Tips: Hitting Out of a Divot
The ONE rule in golf I'd change is in regards to divots. I believe it is completely unfair for a golfer to have to hit out of a divot that an inconsiderate golfer ahead of him neglected to repair. But until that rule changes, which will probably never happen, we will occasionally have to hit the divot shot.
Hitting Out Of A Divot
So you've found that your ball is in a divot and you're not too happy about it. But don't let the situation beat you before you've even attempted the shot. Relax and realize that bad breaks are going to happen to everyone at some point.
More importantly than just about any other shot in golf, hitting out of a divot requires a downward strike with the iron. To achieve this, put the ball back in your stance and focus on hitting down on the back of the ball with a steep angle of attack. Weight can be slightly shaded toward the front foot. This is your chance to shine and hit a great recovery shot.
I try to "make the divot bigger" by pounding down and through the ball, taking more earth with it. It is important to stay down through the shot, as the ball is sitting lower than normal. Lifting up at all will result in hitting the top of the ball or possibly missing the ball entirely.
When struck properly this shot will come out low and hot. It may take a few attempts to get the feel for how far the shot will go, so practice some of these shots on the range. You'll be ready when that unfortunate time comes.