Golf Games: Hit It Long
Here's a very obscure game which in the end could help the average amateur player. You see, most amateur's shots to greens end up short. It seems that we amateurs have inflated views of how long we hit our clubs, or inflated views of how well we hit them.
Hit It Long
Enter the odd game, "Hit It Long." In this game points are awarded for approach shots which go past the pin. Envision an imaginary line intersects with the hole at 90 degrees, extending in both directions left and right of the pin. Approach shots which end up past the imaginary line receive one point. Each point can be worth one betting unit, like $1.00.
As a bonus, an additional point can be awarded for players who make par or better after hitting their approach shots past the pin.
Rather than hitting TO the pin, players are forced to try and hit shots PAST the pin. Amateurs could learn quite a bit about their individual games, club distances and what it really takes to get shots to and/or past "pin high."